
10.04.16 : We tried hard but it was not enough

Set alarm at 5 am: 10 mins before, we were already awake to get ready for the second match of the season. This time: Basel. 3 hours of train and a change in between. We got a little surprise and the smallest Monika came with us!
In the train, we can recognize different groups: study group, music group, chatting group, analysis video group and of course the Argentinian mate in between all of these, this typical Argentinian infusion that’s a mix between tea and coffee! Some liked it, some not. We are gonna give it another chance! 
Beautiful view on our windows while we were getting closer to destination. Blue sky and warm weather seems to be the perfect combination for an excellent Sunday! 
Already with the Grenat colour in our uniform, we started the normal walk to get warm and focus in the game ahead! We knew we need to concentrate on certain things that we did wrong last game so we were ready to give it all! 
The match started confuse for both teams: I would gather say that Servette control the ball but without any clearance of what to do. The first quarter was out and our coach said things clear: communication, play simple and trust in each other. With that in mind, we  started the 2nd quarter but soon we got a PC against and the girls in white t-shirt scored the first goal of the morning. Soon after, time was stopped because a sweet lady from Basel didn’t know that the stick needs to be near the ground and hit me in the stomach. With anger, we finished the quarter with a PC in favor that couldn’t get in! 
Full of confidence in ourselves, we started the second half knowing that it depends only on us to change the situation. Second penetration to the area from the locals and a new PC to defend. At last minute, they changed the giving position of the ball and they marked another goal. It was difficult for the player Laeti to get into the pads but she made a good performance! Thanks Laeti! 
We wake up fast and with a escape from Lena we scored our first goal! Allez Les filles!! With not much time left, Servette went for the second one. And we tried hard until the end but was not possible this time! Finished game, 2-1 for the white girls. 
With a mix of anger and frustration, we cooled down and all together, we shouted out loud whatever it came to our minds. This new technique we are implementing to get our bad vibes out, we highly recommend it to everyone.  
After a cold shower, we were ready to watch the men’s team and that they reversed the score! Fortunately, that happened and Servette won 5-1! 
With a loss and a victory, all together as a family came back to Geneve chatting, playing cards, singing and most of all, trying the typical Argentinian Alfajor, a delight in the mouth, full of DULCE DE LECHE! 
Aguante Servette! 
Mechi Paganini